Running app with pace calculator, accurate race predictor and running splits
Pace Calculator
The running pace calculator is the main function of the application. Its a multi purpose tool for runners that instantly updates distance, speed or time as needed. Enter a race distance and target time to check the pace needed. Convert between pace per mile, pace per kilometre or pace per 400m. Standard race distances are available for selection or alternatively enter your own distance. Speed conversions can be useful for runners who run on a treadmill. Instead of minutes per mile or minutes per kilometre you can enter your running speed in kph, mph or m/s.
Cadence calculator shows you your stride length at a given cadence. You can update either stride length or cadence to see how the other is affected. For example, if I run a 5k in 20 minutes at 180 steps per minute how many meters am I covering with each stride. It's generally advised that 180 steps per minute is a good aim for the average runner. Elite 5k runners can cover over 2 meters per stride!
Age Grading is available in the pace calculator for 5k, 10k, half marathon and marathon. This compares your time over the distance to the world record time based on age and gender. It's a nice way to compare your result to a runner of another gender, different age category, or just running a different race distance.
Elevation Calculator let's you calculate the gradient of a hill or the amount of elevation that you will gain running at a particular gradient. For example if I run for 6 miles on a treadmill at 4% how many meters have I gained?
Body Mass Index – (BMI) is a guide to the healthy weight range for your height used by the government and health professionals. It might not be applicable to every body type but its a good starting point! Enter your height and weight in lbs or kilograms to get your BMI score and a useful BMI reference guide. You can set a preference to show or hide the BMI section from the pace calculator if you wish.
Race Predictor
If you have a race time and you would like to get an estimate of what you might be running in another race you can use the race time predictor. Here you enter a time for any of the provided race distances and all other distances instantly update with your predicted finish time at that distance. Example usage as a marathon time predictor: I run my local 5k parkrun in 25 minutes. How long do you think it will take me to run a marathon? Race predictions are available for 400m, 800m, 1k, 1500m, 1 mile, 3k, 5k, 5 miles, 10k, 10 miles, half marathon and marathon.
Running Splits
Finally you can use Running Calculator to plan your race strategy using the running splits screen. Pick a distance from 800m, 1500m, 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon or a custom distance in miles or kilometres, enter your finish time and we'll display the splits that you will need to run for that time. You can configure whether you would like the splits listed per kilometre, per mile, per 400m, per 5 kilometres or per 5 miles. Why not try it out at your next parkrun or race and see how you get on?
These functions should prove useful for 5k training, half marathon training and marathon training. If there are other functions that Running Calculator should handle then please get in touch.
Running Apps For You
身体质量指数 - (BMI)是政府和健康专业人员使用的身高健康体重范围的指南。它可能不适用于每种体型,但它是一个很好的起点!以lbs或kg为单位输入身高和体重,以获得BMI分数和有用的BMI参考指南。如果您愿意,可以设置首选项以显示或隐藏步速计算器中的BMI部分。
如果你有一个比赛时间,并且想要估计你在另一场比赛中可能正在运行什么,你可以使用比赛时间预测器。在这里输入任何提供的比赛距离的时间,所有其他距离立即更新,并在该距离预测完成时间。用作马拉松时间预测器的示例:我在25分钟内运行我当地的5k parkrun。你认为参加马拉松比赛需要多长时间?比赛预测可用于400米,800米,1米,1500米,1英里,3k,5k,5英里,10k,10英里,半程马拉松和马拉松比赛。
最后,您可以使用Running Calculator来使用正在运行的拆分屏幕来规划您的种族策略。从800米,1500米,5千克,10公里,半程马拉松,马拉松或自定距离(英里或公里)中选择一段距离,输入您的完成时间,我们将显示您当时需要运行的分组。您可以配置是否要按每公里,每英里,每400米,每5公里或每5英里列出的拆分。为什么不在你的下一次停车场或比赛中尝试一下,看看你如何上场?